Connect Apache Tomcat and Apache HTTP using mod_jk

In this tutorial we will explain how to configure an Apache HTTP server in front of the Apache Tomcat server.  Why would one need such a configuration:

  • Clustering. By using Apache HTTP as a front end you can let Apache HTTP act as a front door to your content to multiple Apache Tomcat instances.
  • Security. An additional security level is added to the applications running on Apache Tomcat. When used in a clustered environment, this configuration can simplify the security management for multiple Apache Tomcat instances.
  • Performance. It is efficient to server the static content using the Apache HTTP server and the dynamic content using the Apache Tomcat server.

The solution involves the usage of the Apache HTTP mod_jk connector. This way the Apache HTTP can forward certain requests to one or more Apache Tomcat server instances or workers.

The following installation was tested on an Ubuntu Server 12.04, using Apache Tomcat 6 and Apache HTTP 2.22. Both application servers are running on the same machine. You can find below the deployment diagram.

Deployment Diagram

Deployment Diagram

Configuration needed for the Apache Tomcat server

Edit the configuration file for the server:

We need to enabled the AJP Connector of the server. Make sure the following line is uncommented:

Optionally you can configure the Apache Tomcat to be available only for localhost requests. Set the address property of the connector tag to the value “”, for the HTTP and AJP connectors.

We need to restart the Apache Tomcat server

Configuration needed for the Apache HTTP server

Install mod_jk for the Apache HTTP server on Ubuntu server using this command:

What this command does is the followings:

  • installs and enables the mod_jk module for the Apache HTTP server
  • creates a default configuration file for the mod_jk module at /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/jk.conf
  • creates a default workers properties file at /etc/libapache2-mod-jk/ This file contains a default worker definition named “ajp13_worker”

We can do the rest of the configuration either using the default files created during the installation of the module or using custom files.

Configuration using the default files

We need to tell the Apache HTTP server which URLs to map to the Apache Tomcat server. For that we edit the configuration file for Apache HTTP server –  /etc/apache2/sites-available/default

Map an URL to a Apache Tomcat worker by using JkMount directive in this file. In the following example we will map a sample Java Web App which has the context root “MyJavaApp”,  to  “ajp13_worker”. This is the default worker defined in file.

Edit the configuration file for the mod_jk:

Comment the sections related to jk-manager and jk-status:

We need to restart the Apache HTTP server

Configuration using custom files

We start by creating a custom file.

Define a worker in this file by specifying the name of the worker, type, host and port. The host and port must match the ones configured for the Apache Tomcat server.

Configure the mod_jk module to point to the new file – in this example /etc/apache2/ For that, edit the configuration file jk.conf:

Set the location of the workers file using JkWorkersFile property:

We need to tell the Apache HTTP server which URLs to map to the Apache Tomcat server. For that we edit the configuration file for Apache HTTP server –  /etc/apache2/sites-available/default

As an example, we will map a sample Java Web App which has the context root “MyJavaApp”, to the worker defined earlier “my_worker”.

Restart the Apache HTTP server

Testing the configuration

You can test the new configuration by accessing http://myhost/MyJavaApp


Tomcat Worker – A Tomcat worker is a Tomcat instance that is waiting to execute servlets on behalf of some web server.


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