TFIDF explained using Apache Mahout
|The current article facilitates the understanding of TFIDF (term frequency inverse document frequency) in the machine learning/natural language processing context. We will explain what the term is, then we will create a sample project using Java and Apache Mahout where we can observe how the term is calculated. This project also helps to better understand the Apache Mahout output and input folder structure. Basic Java programming language knowledge is required.
TFIDF short description
TFIDF – term frequency inverse document frequency is an important weighting scheme which can be used in fields like machine learning, natural language processing, search engines and text mining. The metric is used to measure the relative importance of a word for a collection of documents. If a term or word occurs frequently in a document and not so frequently in the entire set of documents, it is more relevant to a search than a word that appears frequently across all the documents. By calculating TFIDF for all terms which appear in a set of document we can filter away the less relevant words. As an example, a word wich appears only twice in a single document is more relevant to someone searching that document, compare to words which appear many times in all the documents like: the, is, at, and, or, on, etc. Using TFIDF the later words can be ignored and the relevant ones are retained.
Following, we will gain a better insight of how the TFIDF weight is calculated by using a practical example. We will use the Apache Mahout library to create two simple documents and to calculate the TFIDF for each word in these documents.
Sample project for TFIDF calculation
- Linux or Mac
- Java 1.7
- Apache Maven 3
Create the Maven project:
mvn archetype:generate \ -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.maven.archetypes \ -DgroupId=com.technobium \ -DartifactId=mahout-tfidf \ -DinteractiveMode=false
Rename the default created App class to TFIDFTester using the following command:
mv mahout-tfidf/src/main/java/com/technobium/ \ mahout-tfidf/src/main/java/com/technobium/
Add the Mahout and SLF4J libraries to this project:
cd mahout-tfidf nano pom.xml
Add the following lines to the dependencies section:
<dependencies> ... <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.mahout</groupId> <artifactId>mahout-core</artifactId> <version>0.9</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.slf4j</groupId> <artifactId>slf4j-simple</artifactId> <version>1.7.7</version> </dependency> </dependencies>
Edit the TFIDFTester class file and add the code below:
package com.technobium; import; import java.util.List; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import; import; import; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardAnalyzer; import org.apache.mahout.common.Pair; import org.apache.mahout.common.iterator.sequencefile.SequenceFileIterable; import org.apache.mahout.vectorizer.DictionaryVectorizer; import org.apache.mahout.vectorizer.DocumentProcessor; import org.apache.mahout.vectorizer.common.PartialVectorMerger; import org.apache.mahout.vectorizer.tfidf.TFIDFConverter; public class TFIDFTester { String outputFolder; Configuration configuration; FileSystem fileSystem; Path documentsSequencePath; Path tokenizedDocumentsPath; Path tfidfPath; Path termFrequencyVectorsPath; public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { TFIDFTester tester = new TFIDFTester(); tester.createTestDocuments(); tester.calculateTfIdf(); tester.printSequenceFile(tester.documentsSequencePath); System.out.println("\n Step 1: Word count "); tester.printSequenceFile(new Path(tester.outputFolder + "wordcount/part-r-00000")); System.out.println("\n Step 2: Word dictionary "); tester.printSequenceFile(new Path(tester.outputFolder, "dictionary.file-0")); System.out.println("\n Step 3: Term Frequency Vectors "); tester.printSequenceFile(new Path(tester.outputFolder + "tf-vectors/part-r-00000")); System.out.println("\n Step 4: Document Frequency "); tester.printSequenceFile(new Path(tester.outputFolder + "tfidf/df-count/part-r-00000")); System.out.println("\n Step 5: TFIDF "); tester.printSequenceFile(new Path(tester.outputFolder + "tfidf/tfidf-vectors/part-r-00000")); } public TFIDFTester() throws IOException { configuration = new Configuration(); fileSystem = FileSystem.get(configuration); outputFolder = "output/"; documentsSequencePath = new Path(outputFolder, "sequence"); tokenizedDocumentsPath = new Path(outputFolder, DocumentProcessor.TOKENIZED_DOCUMENT_OUTPUT_FOLDER); tfidfPath = new Path(outputFolder + "tfidf"); termFrequencyVectorsPath = new Path(outputFolder + DictionaryVectorizer.DOCUMENT_VECTOR_OUTPUT_FOLDER); } public void createTestDocuments() throws IOException { SequenceFile.Writer writer = new SequenceFile.Writer(fileSystem, configuration, documentsSequencePath, Text.class, Text.class); Text id1 = new Text("Document 1"); Text text1 = new Text("I saw a yellow car and a green car."); writer.append(id1, text1); Text id2 = new Text("Document 2"); Text text2 = new Text("You saw a red car."); writer.append(id2, text2); writer.close(); } public void calculateTfIdf() throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException, InterruptedException { // Tokenize the documents using Apache Lucene StandardAnalyzer DocumentProcessor.tokenizeDocuments(documentsSequencePath, StandardAnalyzer.class, tokenizedDocumentsPath, configuration); DictionaryVectorizer.createTermFrequencyVectors(tokenizedDocumentsPath, new Path(outputFolder), DictionaryVectorizer.DOCUMENT_VECTOR_OUTPUT_FOLDER, configuration, 1, 1, 0.0f, PartialVectorMerger.NO_NORMALIZING, true, 1, 100, false, false); Pair<Long[], List<Path>> documentFrequencies = TFIDFConverter .calculateDF(termFrequencyVectorsPath, tfidfPath, configuration, 100); TFIDFConverter.processTfIdf(termFrequencyVectorsPath, tfidfPath, configuration, documentFrequencies, 1, 100, PartialVectorMerger.NO_NORMALIZING, false, false, false, 1); } void printSequenceFile(Path path) { SequenceFileIterable<Writable, Writable> iterable = new SequenceFileIterable<Writable, Writable>( path, configuration); for (Pair<Writable, Writable> pair : iterable) { System.out .format("%10s -> %s\n", pair.getFirst(), pair.getSecond()); } } }
You can run the Test class by using the following commands:
mvn compile mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.technobium.TFIDFTester"
At end of the console log you should see the following results:
Document 1 -> I saw a yellow car and a green car. Document 2 -> You saw a red car. Step 1: Word count car -> 3 green -> 1 i -> 1 red -> 1 saw -> 2 yellow -> 1 you -> 1 Step 2: Word dictionary car -> 0 green -> 1 i -> 2 red -> 3 saw -> 4 yellow -> 5 you -> 6 Step 3: Term Frequency Vectors Document 1 -> {0:2.0,1:1.0,2:1.0,4:1.0,5:1.0} Document 2 -> {0:1.0,3:1.0,4:1.0,6:1.0} Step 4: Document Frequency -1 -> 2 0 -> 2 1 -> 1 2 -> 1 3 -> 1 4 -> 2 5 -> 1 6 -> 1 Step 5: TFIDF Document 1 -> {0:0.8407992720603943,1:1.0,2:1.0,4:0.5945348739624023,5:1.0} Document 2 -> {0:0.5945348739624023,3:1.0,4:0.5945348739624023,6:1.0}
TFIDF Calculation
As you can see, we have the two sample documents as input. Mahout starts by counting the occurrences of every word in the document collection. Next, a dictionary entry is created for each word. From now on, the dictionary value will be used for calculations, instead of the actual word.
The Term Frequency (TF) is calculated by counting the occurrences of every word in a given document. You can see that the word car (the value 0, according to the dictionary) has the frequency 2.0 (0:2.0) in the first document and 1.0 (0:1.0) for the second one.
The Document Frequency (DF) is calculated by counting for each word in how many documents it appears. You can see that the words car and saw have the count 2 as they appear in both documents. All other words have the count 1. The first entry, -1 is the total document count.
In the final, the TFIDF is calculated by multiplying TF and IDF (Inverse Document Frequency):
If we take the word red (3 according to the dictionary ) TF is pretty straightforward: the term is found once in the first document, hence the TF is 1.0.
IDF is obtained using the following natural logarithm formula:
IDF = log (Total document count / (document frequency + 1) ) + 1
Mahout delegates the actual calculation of the IDF to the Apache Lucene library, more precisely to the DefaultSimilarity class. Also the calculation of TF is actually implemented as sqrt(tf), see here: Lucene TF.
For red we will have TF = sqrt (1) = 1 and IDF = log ( 2 / (1 + 1) ) + 1 = 1
Then we will have TFIDF for the term red: TFIDF = 1 x 1 = 1
As you can see, the word car which appears in both documents, has a lower weight (0.59) compared to the word red (1.0) which appears in one document.
GitHub repository for this project:
TFIDF is a fundamental term in the context of machine learning, natural language processing, search engines and text mining. A deep understanding of this term is needed for efficient implementations of machine learning or natural language processing projects.
Thanks for a great article. If I already have a list of TFIDF for each document, how would I go about implementing it in this code? Rather than creating test documents, and then performing word count, and then calculate TFIDF on those. Thanks in advance.
Hi, thanks for the explanation. i have a doubti have a doubt about how this value 0.8407992720603943 was calculated. it is in the first document, the word is “car”, because the tf is 2 and the idf is 0.5945348739624023. and when i calculate the idf = tf * idf the result is diferent. Could you please help me ?
Hi Jorge,
The fact is that Mahout delegates the calculation of TF (Term Frequency) to Lucene, which calculates it as sqrt(TF). See here Lucene TF. If you then multiply your IDF (0.5945348739624023) with sqrt(2) you will get the correct TFIDF. I also changed the article to clearly specify the TF calculation.
Hope this helps,
why the IDF score is 0.5945348739624023? for term Car in document 1, I keep getting IDF = log(2/(2+1))+1 = 0.82390874094. Can you tell me where i made a mistake?
Please use the natural logarithm and you will get 0.59. log(2/(2+1))+1
oh yeah thanks. It because i used the base 10 logarithm instead of natural logarithm. And 1 more question, in , the log function refer to natural logarithm or 10 based logarithm? Thanks Leo.
Hi..TF-IDF calculations shown was very clear and nice..can you please further explain how these tf-idf vectors for each documents are used for training mahout naive bayes classifier..
The tf-idf vectors are used to train a model using TrainNaiveBayesJob from Java code or trainnb from command line. You can see also this tutorial which uses Mahout naive Bayes: Sentiment analysis using Mahout naive Bayes
Very clear and nice article. Thank you for sharing!